Thursday, October 28, 2010

Common Topics and Saludos/Greetings

^ Saying that can be said at anytime of the day! ^

Meeting somebody can be AWESOME! Here are some ways to greet someone in Spanish!There are multiple things you can say when meeting a new person, like how are you doing or good morning. Here are some phrases:

¡Hola! - Hello! (This can be said at anytime of the day)
¡Buenos dias! - Good Morning!
¡Buenas tardes! - Good Afternoon!
¡Buenas noches! - Good Evening / Good Night!

Then, you can start the conversation with:
All of these mean 'How are you?':
  • ¿Qúe Tal?
  • ¿Cómo Va?
  • ¿Cómo estás?(tú - informal)
  • ¿Cómo esta? (Usted - formal)
Answer to these questions:
  • Muy Bien, gracias. - (Very) Well, Thank you.
  • Mas o menos - Alright
  • (Muy) Mal / Terrible(ter-ree-bre) - (Very) Bad / Terrible 
Then you could ask the other person how they are doing by saying:
  •  ¿Y tú? - And you? (informal)
  • ¿Y Usted? - And you? (formal)
You could also say in reply to their answer:
  • ¡Ay, ay, ay! - Oh no!
  • ¡ Qúe bien! - Oh, good!
When using some of these greetings, you have to be formal and informal. For example,:
  • ¿Cómo estás?(tú - informal)
  • ¿Cómo esta? (Usted - formal)
Using Usted(Ud.) to an adult is formal. When talking to a person your age or younger then you, you use tú.

Real Life Application:
The Video will be cut into two parts. One will have a child formally speaking to an adult in a formal way. The other part will have a teenager speaking to another teenager in Spanish and they will use informal terms.

Part One: Formal:
Kid: ¿Cómo esta?
Adult: Muy Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?
Kid: ¡ Qúe bien!

Part Two: Informal:
P1: ¿Cómo estas?
P2: Muy Mal.
P1: ¡Ay, ay, ay!
P2: ¿Y tú?
P1: Muy Bien.
P2: Ahh...

This is what happens when you record videos at SLA >_< !
 Oh dear SLA! ^_^ ! What a wonderful school!

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